let currentDate = new Date();
//assigning function above to a variable
let formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
//new time will be displayed every second
setInterval(() => {
currentDate = new Date();
formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
}, 1000);
function displayTime(dataObject) {
const disDate = document.getElementById("date-elements");
const disTime = document.getElementById("time-elements");
const parts = {
//date elements:
weekday: dataObject.getDay(),
daysNumber: dataObject.getDate(),
month: dataObject.getMonth() 1,
year: dataObject.getFullYear(),
//time elements:
hours: dataObject.getHours(),
minutes: dataObject.getMinutes(),
seconds: dataObject.getSeconds(),
//adding "PM" or "AM" respectively depending on days time
const formatAMPM = parts.hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
const dayState = formatAMPM;
parts.hours = parts.hours % 12;
parts.hours ? parts.hours : 12;
//appending zero if smaller than 10
const dysNmbr =
parts.daysNumber < 10 ? "0" parts.daysNumber : parts.daysNumber;
const mnth = parts.month < 10 ? "0" parts.month : parts.month;
const hrs = parts.hours < 10 ? "0" parts.hours : parts.hours;
const mins = parts.minutes < 10 ? "0" parts.minutes : parts.minutes;
const secs = parts.seconds < 10 ? "0" parts.seconds : parts.seconds;
//array of weekdays names
const days = [
//determine the weekday
const currentDayName = days[parts.weekday];
//displayed elements
disDate.innerHTML = `${currentDayName}, ${dysNmbr}/${mnth}/${parts.year}`;
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} : ${secs} ${dayState}`;
//hide and show seconds depending on users preferences
let i = true;
const btn = document.getElementById("btn");
//if button is clicked
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (i) {
//hiding seconds
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} ${dayState}`;
btn.innerHTML = "Display Seconds";
i = false;
} else {
//displaying seconds
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} : ${secs} ${dayState}`;
btn.innerHTML = "Hide Seconds";
i = true;
<div id="date-elements"></div>
<div id="time-elements"></div>
<button id="btn">Hide seconds</button>
`${hrs} : ${mins} <span hljs-subst">${(i)? "": "hideme"}">: ${secs}</span> ${dayState}`
變數用于包含(或不包含)隱藏秒的 CSS 選擇器:
${(i)? "": "hideme"}
這就是 Javascript——它是一種寫陳述句ternary operator
//hide and show seconds depending on users preferences
let i = true;
const btn = document.getElementById("btn");
//if button is clicked
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (i) {
btn.innerHTML = "Display Seconds";
i = false;
} else {
btn.innerHTML = "Hide Seconds";
i = true;
let currentDate = new Date();
//assigning function above to a variable
let formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
//new time will be displayed every second
setInterval(() => {
currentDate = new Date();
formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
}, 10);
function displayTime(dataObject) {
const disDate = document.getElementById("date-elements");
disTime = document.getElementById("time-elements");
parts = {
//date elements:
weekday: dataObject.getDay(),
daysNumber: dataObject.getDate(),
month: dataObject.getMonth() 1,
year: dataObject.getFullYear(),
//time elements:
hours: dataObject.getHours(),
minutes: dataObject.getMinutes(),
seconds: dataObject.getSeconds(),
//adding "PM" or "AM" respectively depending on days time
formatAMPM = parts.hours >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
dayState = formatAMPM;
parts.hours = parts.hours % 12;
parts.hours ? parts.hours : 12;
//appending zero if smaller than 10
dysNmbr = parts.daysNumber < 10 ? "0" parts.daysNumber : parts.daysNumber;
mnth = parts.month < 10 ? "0" parts.month : parts.month;
hrs = parts.hours < 10 ? "0" parts.hours : parts.hours;
mins = parts.minutes < 10 ? "0" parts.minutes : parts.minutes;
secs = parts.seconds < 10 ? "0" parts.seconds : parts.seconds;
//array of weekdays names
days = [
//determine the weekday
currentDayName = days[parts.weekday];
//displayed elements
disDate.innerHTML = `${currentDayName}, ${dysNmbr}/${mnth}/${parts.year}`;
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} <span hljs-subst">${(i)? "": "hideme"}">: ${secs}</span> ${dayState}`;
.hideme {
display: none;
<div id="date-elements"></div>
<div id="time-elements"></div>
<button id="btn">Hide seconds</button>
//displayed elements
disDate.innerHTML = `${currentDayName}, ${dysNmbr}/${mnth}${parts.year}`;
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} : ${secs} ${dayState}`;
每秒呼叫一次它只會覆寫設定的 innerHtml
//hiding seconds
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} ${dayState}`;
let currentDate = new Date();
// declare hide-seconds preference flag outside of the loop.
let hideSeconds = false;
//assigning function above to a variable
let formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
//new time will be displayed every second
setInterval(() => {
currentDate = new Date();
formattedDate = displayTime(currentDate);
}, 1000);
//The main clock loop
function displayTime(dataObject) {
const disDate = document.getElementById("date-elements");
const disTime = document.getElementById("time-elements");
//displayed elements depending on user preferences
disDate.innerHTML = `${currentDayName}, ${dysNmbr}/${mnth}${parts.year}`;
if(hideSeconds) {
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} ${dayState}`;
}else {
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} : ${secs} ${dayState}`;
//set the hideSeconds flag depending on users preferences
const btn = document.getElementById("btn");
//if button is clicked
btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (!hideSeconds) {
//hiding seconds
btn.innerHTML = "Display Seconds";
hideSeconds = true;
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} ${dayState}`;
} else {
//displaying seconds
btn.innerHTML = "Hide Seconds";
hideSeconds = false;
disTime.innerHTML = `${hrs} : ${mins} : ${secs} ${dayState}`;
標籤:javascript html 变量